Way to filter Wikipedia tables


I'm looking for a way to filter tables often found in Wikipedia articles, so I can compare only the rows (and columns) I'm interested in.

Is there either

  1. a built-in feature in the Wikipedia engine that I'm not aware of
  2. or a browser plugin that supports this

The features I can think of are:

  • Filter by column value
  • Hide columns
  • Multilevel sorting

Best Answer

If you place this formula in a cell within Google Sheet, it will scrape the tabular data from this Wikipedia article link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India

=IMPORTHTML("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India", "table", 4)

Once you have the data within Google Sheet, you can filter by column value (select column header, choose Filter from Data menu) & hide column (select column, choose Hide column from context menu)

Google Sheets screen shot