Way to limit Google Sites search to only search against page titles


If I search for e.g. "Something Awesome," I'd like the results to only include pages with "something" and "awesome" in the actual page title itself (they may also be in the page content, but must be in the title)

The site in question is a password-protected private Site on a Google Apps account, so none of the pages are included in the general Google index (and therefore a CSE wouldn't work).

Best Answer

Try intitle: operator.

The query intitle:term restricts results to documents containing term in the title. For instance, [ flu shot intitle:help ] will return documents that mention the word “help” in their titles, and mention the words “flu” and “shot” anywhere in the document (title or not).

Note: There must be no space between the intitle: and the following word.

Putting intitle: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allintitle: at the front of your query, e.g., [ intitle:google intitle:search ] is the same as [ allintitle: google search ].

In your case, you can use the following query:

[ intitle:something intitle:awesome -something -awesome ]

This makes sure your terms appear in the title but not in the page itself.