LinkedIn – How to Remove Pulse Updates Section on LinkedIn Homepage


When I log into LinkedIn, I see Pulse updates at the top of my screen, and I find them often not applicable. Is there a way to stop the Pulse updates on the LinkedIn homepage (that is, to remove it or suppress it or rearrange its location on the page)?

Best Answer

I too would like to disable unnecessary updates, but I did not find an option in my settings, so I added <LI id="today-news-wrapper" class="feed-item today-news-el tod-wrpr"> to the AdBlock browser extension.

In other words:

  1. Install the AdBlock extension.
  2. Go to AdBlock settings tab #3
  3. Edit filters manually—click the Edit button.
  4. Paste:[id="today-news-wrapper"][class="feed-item today-news-el tod-wrpr feed-item-insert"][id="today-news-wrapper"][class="feed-item today-news-el tod-wrpr"]

    in the textarea.

  5. Click the Save button.

Reload LinkedIn home page.