Way to withdraw a specific invite on LinkedIn


I have about 2000 sent invites pending accept from people on LinkedIn and I wanted to withdraw an invite which I sent to a specific person.

So looking for that specific invite is like looking for a needle in a haystack with no search feature offered by LinkedIn.

When I look at the Sent invites page, there are about 20 pages I have to browse through to find the specific person I want to withdraw the invite from. And that's my problem.

Is there a front end hack to show all invites on a single page for example so that I can search for the name in the browser?

I already use LinkedIn helper but the tool only allows you bulk remove all invites setting a specific number for the ones to keep. so that's not ideal.

This is quite frustrating!

Best Answer

Meanwhile there is no script for that you can open each of 20 pages in a new tab and the use the common Ctrl + F in the browser and search for the name of that person you want to find.

The only challenge is that on each of the pages you would need to use Ctrl + F and then retype the name of the person. This is the closest to your answer for now until there is a new support from LinkedIn for this.