Web application to send SMS email


Is there a web application that will let me send SMS email? Some services don't seem to support receiving normal email.

Best Answer

Only the cellular phone carrier can decide whether you can send SMS via email or not. Here's how to reach people on the most popular carriers:

T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net
Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com
Cingular: phonenumber@cingularme.com
Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Verizon: phonenumber@vtext.com
Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.com

where phonenumber = your 10 digit phone number


If you have some programming skills, you could make use of an SMS API (such as ZeepMobile or Twilio) and build a database associating emails to an SMS phone number. Then you could send emails to "phonenumber@yourappname.com". The app would receive the email and redirect the message to the appropriate phone number.

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