Web Archive Links Without Header


Is it possible to link to an archived web page from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine so that the archive header (for browsing other archives of the same page) isn't shown? Perhaps an url parameter? I didn't find anything on their FAQ.

Best Answer

from "Wikipedia Help:Using the Wayback Machine" : (Source)

Specific archive copy

Once the target web page has been archived, each of the specific dated archives can be individually requested using the format shown below.
The next example links to the archived copy of the main index page of Wikipedia exactly as it appeared on 30 September 2002 at 12:35:25 pm in the UTC timezone.
The datetime format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss. (examples are archives of this question.)

Use the above format to link directly to a specific archive copy.

Adding an asterisk (*) immediately after the date (or in place of it) is a quick way to show the calendar view of all archived copies.

The following flags can be appended to the datetime field to modify the format in which the archived content is displayed:

  • id_ Identity - the original resource, return it as it was archived. example
  • js_ JavaScript - return document marked up as JavaScript. example
  • cs_ CSS - return document marked up as CSS. example
  • im_ Image - return document as an image. example
  • if_ iFrame - normal archive except without the navigational toolbar. example

Depending on the circumstances under which the page images were archived, the rendering of these pages may not be consistent... The datetime format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss, followed by an optional formatting flag, such as the ones above.