What will Google do with the data


When I give data like Email, documents or my search history to Google I trust that they will

  • keep my data secure (from hackers, employees, foreign governments, etc.)
  • keep it private
  • only use it for its intended purpose
  • make backups.

Is there a third party or government organization that checks if they do indeed follow their privacy policy? (and what happens if they do not)

Also, since I am an EU citizen, will my data stay within the EU?

To summarize from the answers:

  • there is no outside verification, the checks are done by Google internally
  • data can be stored anywhere, not just in the country of the customer

Best Answer

I doubt anyone other than Google could truly answer this, but a few thoughts come to mind:

  • Google is a US-based company that has datacenters all over the world. Where, geographically, your data resides is likely algorithmically-base, though I'd suspect that they'd try to localize storage
  • What is the intended purpose for data that Google has? It's at least for them to be able to make money on advertising (they are, after all, and advertising company that happens to do search)
  • I don't know of any organization that verifies the Privacy Policy is followed until or unless it's breached