Pinterest – When Do Pins Have Titles?


Below is the screenshot of my board on Pinterest. I don't understand why some pins (actually, most pins) don't have the title of the article.

screen shot

Here is my analysis:

  • Pin 1 and 2 are the same article, but pin 2 is shared to Pinterest through Pocket app in iPad, while pin 1 is pinned directly on web. Neither pin has the title, so I guess whether it is saved by an app or not is not a factor.

  • Pin 2 and 3 are saved through the Pocket app, but only pin 3 has a title. This strengthens the point I made above.

  • All three pins are saved from one website, so I guess which site is saved is not a factor.

Best Answer

Alex is correct. Certain websites create implement "Rich Pins" that Pinterest uses to title pins.

The bold text occurs when it's a "rich pin". These are pins that link directly to the original site and the site owner has enabled the rich pin feature that Pinterest offers. You will also notice that the text for rich pins begins with a favicon - Empress Of Dirt - Melissa
