Dropbox – Hide File Metadata Sidebar by Default When Sharing


When sharing a Dropbox file via a shared link, it is possible to hide the file meta data sidebar by default?

I've noticed that the URL does not change whether the sidebar is opened/closed so you can not hide the sidebar by editing the URL.

Please see attached markup for further information.

marked up screenshot of shared file in Dropbox

Best Answer

One way I've found to do it is to replace the parameter at the end of the URL dl=0 with raw=1.

So https://www.dropbox.com/s/seiaurp9wefjksadjvpisautp9ojsdipf/myfile.pdf?dl=0

Would become https://www.dropbox.com/s/seiaurp9wefjksadjvpisautp9ojsdipf/myfile.pdf?raw=1