When to post to “Extended Circles”


Obviously I can post something to the "Public" circle and that will be visible in the stream of those who have me in any of their circles, and visible to strangers viewing my profile.

Also, I can post something to my "Extended Circles" and that will be visible in the stream of those who have me in any of their circles, and in the "Incoming" stream of their friends, but not visible to strangers viewing my profile unless they are in "Extended circles".

Under what conditions would it make sense to post to "Public" and "Extended Circles"? What does this achieve?

Best Answer

In composing and editing the question, I might have come up with the answer myself:

  • "Public" doesn't broadcast my post as widely as "Extended Circles" does. Yes, it's available but only to those who actively come looking.
  • "Extended Circles" broadcasts my post not only to my circles but also to theirs. This gives me more visibility. But strangers can't see the post even if they come looking, unless they happen to be only semi-strangers because they are in the "extended circles".

So "Public" provides availability while "Extended circles" provides distribution. These are separate traits.

Frankly though, why would I write something that semi-strangers may read, but total strangers may not? That is what the "Extended circles" does, and it doesn't make much sense to me. So in essence, I would always use both in combination.