When will blogger fix this know issue and why still sell domains


I bought a domain for my blog through Google (which uses GoDaddy to actually get the domains), but it seems like there are some problems. I can't get stevehinch.blogspot.com to redirect to www.thailandsinvestor.com.

I notice this has been a know issue with Blogger since 2012 yet they still sell domains to people like me knowing there is a issue that has not be fixed
How do I redirect my blog to my new url

Best Answer

The known-issue was resolved back in September, and the ability to buy domains, which has been disabled, was restored after that.

There is a new issue (not yet acknowledged as a known-issue by Blogger) with accessing your domain administrator account - but there is a solution for this this documented by one of the Blogger Product-form top-contrubutors.

The WebApplications people may not like me for saying this, but IMHO you are better of posting your query in the Blogger Product-forum: the contributors there have the detailed knowledge of current issues, and will help with diagnosing the specific problems with your particular domain setup.