Where does the spell checking function comes from


  1. I am using Firefox. Whenever I type
    my questions on Stack Exchange
    sites, there will be automatic spell

    Does this function comes
    from Firefox, or from Stack Exchange
    sites, or somewhere else?

  2. If it comes form Firefox, why is
    there no spell checking when I type
    in some other websites?

    Just off
    your head, in what cases, will there will
    be spell checking and in what cases not?

  3. American English and British English
    may spell some words in different
    ways. For example, if I type
    "optimization", it will be
    automatically underscored to let me
    know the spelling is wrong.

    How can
    I make the spell checking tool to
    recognize American English spelling?

Best Answer

  1. As I type this answer on webapps.stackexchange.com, Firefox is providing the spell checking.
  2. It depends on the website. I suspect that any site that uses standard textarea tags will allow Firefox to spell-check it. Google Docs, on the other hand, uses its own custom spell checker.
  3. Right-click a misspelled word. Select "Languages" and make sure "English / United States" is selected. If you don't see it there, select "Add Dictionaries..." and install the "English (US)" dictionary.