Prismatic – Finding All Keyboard Shortcuts

keyboard shortcutsnews-feed

Found really nice automatic news agregator service I’m a keyboard centric user, and there are shortcuts on Prismatic website like greader’s j/k for next/previous and etc. But what are all the shortcuts? Can you show where is the list of them?

Best Answer

They have just started to implement them.

One of the goals we’re shooting for is to be able to use the entire web app without a mouse at all. We’re not quite there yet, but there are many shortcuts currently available:

  • j/k: Jump to next/previous article

  • up/down: Scroll to next/previous article with animation

  • space: Scroll to next article

  • s: open share box for active article

  • o: open active article in new tab

  • b: bookmark active article in new tab

  • f: Go to search field and find new interests.
