Where to find similar channels to a given channel in Telegram


On Instagram (web version), you can use this button, to see a list of suggested pages that are similar to the current page. This makes it easy to find a lot of resources on this network.

enter image description here

Is there a similar feature in Telegram anywhere? I want to find channels which are similar to the current channel I'm in. But I can't find how.

Best Answer

Telegram doesn't recommend you similar channels. However, public channels are displayed when you use the global search that is available in telegram.

Global search usually matches the username. It doesn't have to be an exact match. Eg: If you search "programming" the results will be groups and channels which contains the text "programming". So, you might get "c programming" or "programming group".

Another way of finding similar channels is by associating with groups, as people tend to share stuffs from various groups.