Yahoo Pipes – Best Source Module for Feeding Data to Yahoo Filter


I have a file, se Google doc, with 20+ RSS feeds. I want to use Yahoo pipes for searching for specific strings in these feeds.

In the Yahoo pipe editor, there are a number of modules for "Sources", see Yahoo Pipes Source Modules.

The modules are:

  1. Feed Auto-Discovery Module

  2. Fetch CSV Module

  3. Fetch Data Module

    Fetch Feed Module

    Find First Site Feed (was Fetch Site Feed) Module

    Flickr Module

    Item Builder Module

    Yahoo! Local Module

    Fetch Page Module (deprecated)

    XPATH Fetch Page Module

I have tried the "Fetch Feed Module" and it can only contain 10 feeds.

Which one of these modules should I use when I have more than 20 RSS feeds? The answer could also be that "Use .. instead of Yahoo pipes".

The output is to be feed to a filter module.

Best Answer

The sequence is as follows:

  1. Fetch CSV (actually, in my case I found it easier to have "|" as separators) hosted on an external site
    • Columns separated by "|"
    • Use the following column names: "feed", "link"
  2. (optional) Filter (to get only items that are needed in this particular set of circumstances.
  3. Loop
    • For each item in input feed
    • Fetch Feed
    • Assign all results to item.loop
  4. Sub-Element
    • item.loop
  5. (optional) Filter (to weed out what's not necessary)
  6. (Whatever other items needed - renaming, regexing, filtering, truncating)

In case of large sub-feeds, I suggest creating a separate pipe to truncate a feed to manageable number of elements and to avoid hitting the Yahoo! upper limit.

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