Why can’t I “plus 1” certain pages in Google+


I have a Google+ account and the "g+1" button on my toolbar.

For most web pages the button is enabled and I can, should I so wish, show my "love" for the page by clicking it.

However, there are some pages where the "g+1" button is disabled.

Is this something Google decides or is there a code web developers can include on their pages that disables the button?

Best Answer

The Google +1 Button extension disables itself on HTTPS sites that have query params (?foo=bar).

Today, we’ve removed functionality from the button when you visit https sites with query parameters. This means the +1 button will be grayed out and be unclickable when you visit sites that (a) start with “https://”, and (b) contain the characters “?” or “;” in the URL.

-- Jonathan McPhie

The reason is because some sites grant access to private data based on tokens in the URL and Google doesn't want users to publish those tokens publically.