Why doesn’t GitHub update the contributions section when I commit


I made 3–4 commits on a single day to my repo using the Mac client for GitHub but the contributions section on my profile page doesn't update itself with changes in varying shades of green.

Why does this happen?

Best Answer

There are several possibilities:

  • You have not pushed your commits up to Github. Unlike centralized version control systems, committing it git is done locally. When you have made commit(s) locally and want to synchronize your Github project page, you need to run 'git push' to send the commits upstream.

  • Your commits were not on the default branch (usually master) of a project. Other branches won't count towards the total until they are merged.

  • Your repository is a fork. In this case only commits that have been contributed upstream and merged into the master branch are counted.

  • Your commit was made with an email address other than ones you have told Github about.

  • You haven't waited long enough. The graph is not updated instantly.

See Github's help section Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile? for more tips.