Why the tags of the tumblr theme look like bright blue links


I have a blog on tumblr, and the tags show up like bright blue links that are really difficult to read and it looks awful.

I'm not going to change the theme, because I love it. At first this theme didn't show the tags, so I read some things around the internet and found some code that made the theme show the tags. I know very little html, but messing around I figured out how to modify the tags and make them look like I wanted. The thing is they look like they should on the Customize menu but when someone looks at my blog they don't look the same way.

This is how I want them to look and how it looks on the customize menu.

And this is how the tags look when you go to my blog. (As you can see, I'm losing my mind)

I don't understand why it is different, or what's the problem. I don't understand anything anymore.

What can I do?

Best Answer

Don't forget to hit the blue Save button after Update Preview button when customizing the theme.