Google Bookmarks – Workaround for Search Problems


I'm not sure if anyone else has come across this, but I'm getting incomplete results when searching my Google Bookmarks (not Chrome bookmarks). I have a link with the title including "headlights" tagged with multiple labels, one of them being "phoenix". If I search:

label:phoenix headlights

it shows up as expected. But if I search only:


it doesn't show up as either of the two results presented. This is just one example of multiple I've seen.

Is there any way to work around this?

Best Answer

I just finally figured this out: bookmarks that are imported from delicious aren't indexed correctly. If you edit a bookmark and re-save it (even without changes) they start showing up in all results. The downside is that it changes the date you saved it, if that's important to you.

When I have time, I'm going to see if there's a programmatic way to update them through the API without changing the dates. Using the GBookmark Android app, which uses the API, I just confirmed editing a bookmark there makes missing ones show up in search results in the web interface.

The biggest reason to do it via the API would actually be so I don't have to manually edit the thousands of bookmarks that I imported years ago. If I end up building something, I'll post a link here.