Yahoo Mail classifies Email sent from the account to theself as Spam


I create a new account in Yahoo Mail. All was jolly good for a while until I (for some strange reasons) email myself a list of things to do. The email is sent successfully after asking me to verify by writing the CAPTCHA letters. I clicked on the Check Email button.

The email appeared in the Spam Folder.

I fainted and just recovered (after what seemed like a millenia!)…

Why would Yahoo Email classify an email sent from my inbox to my inbox as SPAM?

Is it nuts?

Best Answer

A lot of spammers send spam with the sender marked as your own address, trying to fool the spam filters this way. Spam filters work in various ways, trying to classify emails depending on various criteria. The email you sent seemed somehow suspicious to the filter, so it marked it as spam.

You can try to change this behaviour by telling the filter that the email you sent to yourself is not spam. This may or may not work, as the filter's trying to do what it thinks is the best for the user.