YouTube Account Suspended – What to Do Next


My YouTube account has been suspended for the video I created. And I still doubt I have broken any law.

Here is the email I got after filling an error request. I do not understand how to work on the text I have emboldened:

Thanks for your email. Your "yadishansar" account has been suspended
due to repeated or severe violations of our Terms of Use and claims of
copyright infringement. Suspended accounts cannot be reinstated.
Federal law requires that we terminate accounts when there are
repeated claims of copyright infringement. Because you have had other
videos rejected in the past, we are unable to reinstate your account.
Users with suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from
creating new accounts or accessing YouTube’s community. In order for
your account to be reinstated, you will need to resolve at least one
of the following video removals.

The following videos have been removed from your account:

Penalty 1: "How to Download Facebook Video – without any plugin or
software (DIY Tutorial)" formerly at Removed for violating our
Terms of Use on 11/16/2012. Please see

To learn more about copyright, please visit YouTube’s Copyright Center

To learn more about the consequences of alleged infringement, please

If you are sure a content owner has misidentified your content as
infringing, learn more at:

PLEASE NOTE this is an automated response. Any replies to this
message will not be reviewed.


The YouTube Team

What to do now? Can I reinstate my YouTube account, or at least create a new account from the same email address?

Best Answer

Now after a whole year, I appealed once again to reinstate my account (although I don't remember what I actually did, but I did something) and received following email from YouTube.

Hi there,

Thank you for your email.

We have re-reviewed the circumstances of your suspension and have concluded it is appropriate to reinstate your account. This means your account is once again active and operational.

If you have forgotten your password, please visit this link to reset it:


The YouTube Team

Finally: Account reinstated!