Youtube – Bookmark to play a random YouTube playlist element


Using a link like this:
I can link to a video in a playlist and activate shuffle. But there are two problems here:

  1. The shuffle order is always the same, since it's given a seed by the URL
  2. It always starts at a specific video – this could be solved, if that is possible, by providing an index instead of a particular video, since I regularly add new playlist elements to the beginning of it.

I have the above link as a bookmark for my music playlist, and would like to fix these issues. I'm using Google Chrome, an extension is also an option for me.

Best Answer

Please find documentation to youtube link parameters here
Check under the point Loading a playlist

I was able to link my metal playlist with the following link. The same link starts the same playlist on different videos, depending on which video I put first


Note that you need to prepend the playlist ID with the letters PL as shown in the following example:

For some reason the playlists opens in full size... you have to check more for size parameters if you dont want this

I do not find any parameter for the shuffle option