Youtube – Clip a YouTube video without having to download entire length beforehand

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I would like to clip a YouTube video say from x minute to y minute and download it into my desktop computer.

Currently I'm having to download the entire video and then use a video editor for clipping. In most situations, I would like to clip under 60 seconds from a 15-minute video. Downloading the entire video in this case is time consuming.

Is there a way to download only a portion of a YouTube video without having to download the entire thing to trim locally?

Best Answer

With free desktop tools like BB FlashBack Express and Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture, you can record whatever is running on your screen. While the video is running, you can start & stop at required portions.

With Expression Encoder SP2, you can overcome the 10-minute screen capture time limitation that was there earlier.

You can also use open-source tools like FFmpeg & recordMyDesktop to record video playing on the desktop.