Google+ and YouTube – Converting a Suspended Google+ Profile to a Page Without Affecting YouTube Name


A year ago I created this YouTube user called CmisSync CMIS Synchronizer and uploaded some video tutorials about my product called "CmisSync".

Somehow I also got an associated Google+ account with the same name CmisSync CMIS Synchronizer.

Unfortunately, the Google+ account recently got disabled:

enter image description here

Apparently I should have created a Google+ Page instead, as product names are not accepted as Google+ profile names.
Fair enough, my bad, then let's destroy my profile and create a Page instead, I thought.
So I click Take action, a popup appears:

enter image description here

Looks good, what I want is Create a Google+ Page, so I click on it and get:

enter image description here


In the screenshot above I am told that I need to provide a person name, and this name will be used for all associated products, including YouTube as explained by the Learn more link.

I don't want the YouTube user to have the name of a real person, as it is about a product.


  • Should I give my real name in the dialog above, then I will be able to change the YouTube-visible name back to the name of the product?
  • Should I abandon this Google+ profile, and create a different new Google+ page for the product, from scratch, separate from the YouTube account? This forces me to also create a new YouTube account. Any other drawback doing this?
  • Any better alternative?

Best Answer

Two months after, no satisfying solution appeared, so I gave up and:

  • Created a new Gmail address
  • Used the Gmail address to create a new Google Plus page for the product
  • Used the Gmail address to create a new YouTube account
  • Created a new YouTube channel linked to the Google Plus page


  • All of the past YouTube videos stay on the old account, lowering discoverability in both ways
  • Likes/followers are split into 2 accounts
  • Have to follow statistics for both the old and new accounts

UPDATE 2015/07/28: Google has just announced that it will finally uncouple YouTube from Google+ so the procedure will probably become much easier.