Youtube – Custom filtering on YouTube content


I want to impose some restrictions on YouTube for my 5 year old son. It's not about sexual, aggressive or violent content, that's pretty much covered by the SafeSearch filter and frankly, I don't care that much if my son sees a naked person once in a while, I guess he'll live… It's about some users providing hours and hours of toy advertisements, which my kid keeps stumbling upon and in my opinion gives him wrong impressions (do some of you know leokimvideo, it's true sad!)

Approaches I have considered:

  • blocking the content of specific users from within youtube – impossible as far as I know
  • filtering specific urls on my squid proxy – impossible because YouTube requires the use of tls/https nowadays, which makes inspection / filtering impossible.
  • block port 443 – won't work youtube ceases to work altogether

So, any clue for a solution?

Best Answer

There exist extensions you can use that can block certain channels from ever popping up on YouTube, I believe it's called Video Blocker.

Using a mobile device and installing the YouTube Kids app would also be an option.