Youtube – Disable YouTube Auto Play in Watch Later


I'm looking for a way to disable YouTube's autoplay feature when watching videos from the Watch Later playlist. Previously it was possible to disable autoplay in Watch Later, and the setting was persistent for other videos on Watch Later too.

To clarify: with autoplay, I don't mean that videos shouldn't automatically start playing, I would like that. Autoplay is the feature that automatically advances to the next video in the playlist after one video has finished playing.

YouTube used to remember the setting, but it has been changed. Right now playing a video from Watch Later always turns autoplay back on.

Best Answer

The Auto Play toggle is saved between different visits, maybe it wasn't that way at the time you asked the question, but now it does.

I switched to another video, tried closing the tab/browser - the setting is still kept.

enter image description here

Iridium among other things, disables the auto-play of YouTube - which also apply to the watch later playlist.

The player will switch to the next video in the watch later list, but won't auto-play it.