Youtube – Force embedded YouTube videos to play at specific quality resolution


Is there a way to force embedded YouTube videos on any site I visit to play at a specific quality?

Specifically I'm trying to have a Weebl and Bob marathon, making sure I see every episode by watching it through (starting at the oldest and clicking "next" after every video), and I'd like every video to play in 720p, but it gets really annoying having to select 720p again in every new episode.

I use Safari 7.0.4, but I'm willing to use Firefox or Chrome if necessary.

To reiterate, this isn't a question about forcing the video quality on a video I've embedded somewhere. That's the question I've found several answers to on Google. I want to know when I have absolutely no administrative control over a website if there's a way to set a default video quality.

Best Answer

YouTube nowadays tries to automatically detect which quality option fits your bandwidth best, and it also stores which quality you prefer in a cookie.

For this to work however, you need to have third-party cookies enabled and possibly anything that can interfere – adblockers, privacy enhancing addons, YouTube-altering addons, etc. – disabled.