Youtube – Force subtitles in video on YouTube, if it’s not embedded


I have uploaded the video on YouTubeand added the subtitles but the users don't realize that they can turn them on. I know there is particular URL parameter for embedded player, but it doesn't work for itself. I have tried:

and it returns the page in German, but does not turn the subtitles on.

How can I force YouTube to use subtitles on itself?

Best Answer

The only way I found is changing the URI from

to this pattern

"" + VIDEO_ID + "?hl=" LANG_CODE

If hl= doesn't work (on some cases doesn't seems to work) try cc_load_policy=1&cc_lang_pref=.

On bash/Linux you can just copy the URI with that structure and then run this command (Spanish code hardcoded) to transform clipboard content (you can make an alias):

xclip -selection c -o | echo "$(cat -)?&hl=es-419" | sed "s|||1" | xclip -selection c

You can list the available subtitles ISO 639-1 language codes with youtube-dl:

youtube-dl --list-subs "{video_id or url}"


  • the video will cover the complete screen... which might be good thing to stop procrastinating with related videos :)
  • It seems that doesn't work with automatic generated captions.