Youtube – How does upvoting comments on Youtube work


Whenever I upvote someone's comment on youtube it seems like it has no effect – likes counter is not increasing (I though it is cached but even if I come back later nothing is changed). Do I need to have some "rep power" for upvoting or comment vote counter is just not 1-to-1 with votes (like 10 votes is required for +1)?

Best Answer

I can duplicate this as well. I'm a logged in user on YouTube and in this video...

... I've upvoted this comment posted around 7/28 at 5 PM Pacific

I just caught the White Queen/Black Queen reference when the poodles were playing chess. Awesome.

... multiple times with no effect. My reply on the other hand went through immediately!

I suspect the votes are cached to an extreme degree? I'll check back later and see if it "went through" or not.

edit: The votes did take effect! It took about 12 hours though.