Youtube – How to add a purchased song as background music to a YouTube video


What's the procedure for adding copyrighted music to an uploaded YouTube video?

We've been creating some original video that uses some copyrighted background music. But when we uploaded it to YouTube, it gets blocked due to copyright claims.

There must be a process to correctly add such copyrighted background music, because we can see many videos doing this. Examples:

Note that these videos have an iTunes "Buy Link" as part of the video description.

In YouTube's "Using copyrighted material in your video" it only says to get permission from the content owner (no specific details on how).

We are willing to pay for the original (e.g. buy it from iTunes), and add the buy link, but how do we do that?

What's the specific process involved here?

Best Answer

According to the FAQ, when YouTube detects an infringing video there are three options for the copyright holder:

There are three usage policies—Block, Track or Monetise. If a rights owner specifies a Block policy, the video will not be viewable. If the rights owner specifies a Track policy, the video will continue to be made available on YouTube and the rights owner will receive information about the video, such as how many views it receives. For a Monetise policy, the video will continue to be available on YouTube and ads will appear in conjunction with the video.

If the copyright holder has chosen 'Block', then your only option is to contact whoever made the music (or the label that owns it) and ask them to use it. Maybe Wikipedia can help you find who that is.

Gangnam may have the "monetize" option selected, which would make sense since YouTube has estimated to have paid $1.7 million in revenue for it so far.