YouTube – How to Bulk Remove Videos from Watch Later List


I already have 200+ videos at watch later list on YouTube. So, I stopped adding videos to my watch later list to avoid messing it even more.

Now I simply want to remove them all so I can start fresh again, only with things I really want to watch later, but there is no option to remove them all, and I won’t hurt my finger clicking there.

A userscript could do the trick also I guess.

Best Answer

I just found out a method that is much easier and works 100% of the time! In your browser go to your Watch Later playlist and click the menu (the three dots in the right top corner) and add to playlist. Create a new playlist and name it something easy (I named it WL for example). Now go to that playlist and go to the same menu and instead of adding it to a playlist uncheck Watch Later. Now your Watch Later playlist is cleared and you can delete the temorary playlist you just created. Hope this helps some people!
