Youtube – How to disable auto-play in YouTube playlists

autoplayuser interfaceyoutube

So I know this question has been asked before, but neither the answers on this question: (How can I disable playlist autoplay in YouTube?), nor the answers from the linked duplicate question there, work for the behavior I want.

I want to disable the autoplay feature in a YouTube playlist, and I specifically want to stay in the playlist.

For example, I have a playlist of educational videos, I want to watch them all in order and can't rely on the normal next-video suggestion with autoplay. But when the video is over, I want to stop for a little bit, scroll down, read comments etc. Instead Youtube immediately loads the next video, without even the normal 5 second, cancelable delay like in normal autoplay. Basically I want the normal autoplay, which stops for 5 seconds, can be stopped with a cancel button, and gets paused automatically when you scroll down to the comments; but in a playlist.

Another use case might be when a video ends with a minute of advertisement or meaningless blabber, and you forget to pause you suddenly get kicked off the comments when the video ends.

I don't get why YouTube doesn't implement this feature, it seems so useful. Not all playlists are used just for music! So my question:

Do you know of any workaround, plugin, mirror website or anything else which brings me closer to my desired behavior?

Best Answer

Just found out a script that works as a workaround. It basically pauses the video when there's only just 1 second left.

  1. Download TamperMonkey
  2. Install Youtube disable playlist autoplay script.
  3. Enjoy

(The script has a side effect, though. It will still run even it's not a playlist video, pausing it 1 second before the end.)