YouTube – How to Find Unwatched Videos on a Channel


Is it possible to find YouTube videos for a specific channel that I haven't watched and/or rated yet? The red bottom border on videos are an indication, but they do not apply to videos watched a long time ago, and they don't show up if I've watched offline (via youtube-dl) and then voted.

Best Answer

Since nobody on the internet seems to have done that, I've decided to write a little script that removes all videos that have that red marker on the bottom on YouTube. I know that wasn't exactly what you wanted in your question, but it's still better than nothing.

First, you must be on the playlist view of all the uploads from that youtube channel. That's because if you just go to the "videos" tab it will only show up to about 300 videos, so you need the playlist view to show them all. To go to that:

From there you can access the developer tools of your browser and paste the code in this link into the console:

Alternatively, you can use this one if you using the new youtube design:

That will scroll down and delete all of the watched videos automatically until it reaches the end of the channel. It will also remove all those annoying "playlist links" that playlists have (that is, it won't just to the next video when you finish watching the current one).

Well, that's it. Hope this was helpful!