Youtube – How to maintain a YouTube Playlist when entries become unavailable


I have several playlists that I have made on YouTube to keep track of my favourite videos and share the playlists with other people. However, over time, some videos get removed by their owners, some are restricted and made private or not available to playlists. So I need to perform maintenance on the playlists such as find alternative source of the same or similar content to replace the broken item in the list.

Is there a way for me to maintain my lists and prevent them becoming stale lists of out of date or broken links?

Best Answer

You can create your playlist of YouTube videos in mixpod or and it will at least show you which videos are lost.


  1. This works only for videos whose content owner allows embedding.
  2. I'm not aware of an option to import playlists from Youtube on either site so you need to add the links manually.
  3. is not availabe in certain countries