Youtube – How to make a YouTube channel private and videos ONLY appear in channel


How do you make a YouTube channel private?

My goal is to make a channel of my baby videos, but so only people with the link can view it.

This way I can make sure only family sees the videos, but I won't have to send a link with every video.

Best Answer

You cannot make channels private. You can only disable them, which then hides them – but the videos become unavailable then, too.

To achieve your goal, I recommend uploading your videos as unlisted and then setting up a private or unlisted website (perhaps on to collect your videos.

Note that if someone shares the link of an unlisted video/website publicly, the content becomes essentially public. So even if you upload videos as unlisted, make sure you don't include stuff that can be used against you.

To make sure that only people you trust can view the video, you have to upload them as private and manually enter the email addresses of anyone who is supposed to view them.