Youtube – How to prevent open tabs with YouTube videos from playing after Windows 10 restarts


I have several tabs open with YouTube videos, in several windows. This is on Chrome, Windows 10.

I know that if I sleep the computer, everything will come back OK.
But if I log out of Windows, Chrome will be shut down. When I log in again, Chrome will restore all the tabs but start many of the videos playing, especially those in the showing tab of each open window.

How can I keep those from playing?

I already have "AUTOPLAY" off. That's not the problem.

Best Answer

But that's still the problem. Not all "autoplay off" switches can do what they should. Try Iridium.


If you often just leave open your tabs for laters (which never comes) try Suspender which is able to completely freeze tabs and free RAM resources.

Also, you can run experiments in chrome://flags/:

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