Youtube – How to set YouTube to show all subscriptions / enable the subscription bell for all subscriptions at once


It's no longer enough to "just subscribe" to actually see all new videos in one's YouTube feed. One has to go to its YouTube subscription manager and hit the bell.

I subscribe to 100+ channels. (Most are small channels, with very few videos per year.) It would be tedious to click on the bell for each subscription.

Can I somehow set "yes, just show am all the videos for all the channels I subscribed to in chronological order"?

Best Answer

It's no longer enough to "just subscribe" to actually see all new videos in one's YouTube feed. One has to go to its YouTube subscription manager and hit the bell.

Wrong. If you subscribe to a channel, you will see all their videos in the subscription feed. The bell is just about push/email notifications.

Can I somehow set "yes, just show am all the videos for all the channels I subscribed to in chronological order"?

If you are on YouTube, click the three-bar-menu in the top left corner and then "Subscriptions".