YouTube – How to Stop Specific Video from Altering Recommendations


YouTube will display recommendations of videos based on:

  • your favorites
  • your liked videos
  • your watched videos

Now, let's say that somebody sends me a link and it's a video for which I don't want similar being recommended.

Is there a way I can avoid recommendations based on that particular video?

So far I've been hitting dislike because, well, I don't like the videos. However, I'm not sure this is entirely effective, and on the other hand, likes and dislikes has turned into more than a personal view of a video, and more into a way of appreciating users' content. If the quality and the content of the video was good but I just don't happen to be interested, would it be fair that the user had a dislike on it? (This question is probably out of scope for the answer I'm looking for here, but I believe it helps providing context.)

Best Answer

Clearing your search history and watch history will stop recommending the videos