YouTube – How to Use YouTube Fully with HTTPS


I have to use YouTube with an HTTPS connection, because YouTube is banned here (I need it for watching some specific videos from Stanford University). But it seems it uses an HTTP connection for loading videos from the server, so I get this error when I play videos:

An error occurred, please try again later

Isn't there a way for using an HTTPS connection for loading videos too?

(I have no idea why it is banned in my country; it is banned because it is. I hope you understand me.)

Best Answer

If you're on Firefox, you can try the Electronic Frontier Foundation's HTTPS Everywhere extension.

It uses a customizable list of URL matches to hijack the browser's page-loading process and redirect to equivalent HTTPS URLs before the network request goes out. YouTube is included and enabled by default.

Otherwise, you may be out of luck. Chrome doesn't allow extensions to do that sort of thing and apparently Google is rolling out SSL gradually, so YouTube doesn't yet seem to have an equivalent to GMail's "always use SSL" option.

Video-loading may or may not be available via SSL, but HTTPS Everywhere generally gives you as much SSL as is possible without breaking the site. If that doesn't work, you may have to either use a VPN service or ask a friend in another country to download the video for you using something like Video DownloadHelper.