Youtube – How to view what playlist, if any, a YouTube video is in


How can I view what playlist, if any, a video is in?

For example:

This longer link shows what playlist the video is in, and it's in a playlist, but I only see that at this link but this link only seems to come up when clicking the video in a playlist. So I can see what playlist it's in.

But what if I didn't have that link?

Another example of a video I'd want to know what playlist, if any, it's in, is this one:  

Best Answer

Short answer

For the example in the question, on Google, try something like the following: inurl:(QuqCMHe4kxQ list)


inurl:list QuqCMHe4kxQ

(Thanks to Annan)


site: and inurl: are Google Search advanced operators.

  • site: limits results to the specified site, in this case
  • inurl: limit results to URL having the specified strings, in this case the video id QuqCMHe4kxQ and the parameter name list.
  • parenthesis groups search terms, they help us to avoid having to repeat the same search operator several times.
  • If you want a exhaustive list of playlists you should try several operator and keyword search combinations.

It's worth to say that there is a Youtube API. AFAIK it doesn't include methods to query the search youtube search index to find all the playlists that include a video by its id.