Youtube – How to watch a YouTube playlist at the same quality for every video automatically


I want to watch an entire YouTube playlist at full screen. The playlist consists of nine videos and every video's quality can be chosen from 240p all the way to 1080p. I want to view the playlist at 720p, but every time I choose it while watching one video it reverts back to 1080p when it switches to the next video, though in my "Settings" I have "always play at HD" unchecked. I want to play it at 720p because my internet connection can never play 1080p properly.

Is there a way to watch the playlist at a constant quality throughout?

Environment: Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8.

Best Answer

I finally found a solution. It works in Google Chrome only and it requires two extensions.

Install the extensions Remove Scrollbars YouTube Options

Set Youtube Options to the fellowing settings:

Play a playlist in YouTube and go to the browser fullscreen mode by hitting the keyboard F11 button. This is important!
The transition of the video's are not fluently, but it stays fullscreen.