YouTube Comments – How to Add Clickable Text Hyperlinks

firefoxtext formattingyoutube

My question is how can i add clickable text hyperlinks and by that i mean :

<a href="">example</a>

BUT in YouTube comments, I know it is possible because of a particular comment on an old
Install gentoo meme video :
Comment with hyperlink

So far i have tried to use these with no luck :

  • [Text](
  • <>
  • <a href="">example</a>

Best Answer

Recently YouTube rolled out a feature that changes the text of links to YouTube videos. When you link to another YouTube video now, the link URL is automatically replaced with the target video’s title.

There is no way to do this manually, or with links to other websites.

For example, the original comment:

This music:

becomes this automatically:

This music: A piece of magicmix