YouTube – Using One AdSense Account with Multiple YouTube Accounts


So, basically, it's little bit complicated situation, and I want to know if it can be done.

I'm using YouTube with and have two channels on YouTube.

I want to use a newly created email address which is for AdSense. So what I want is this:

Is it possible to connect a YouTube channel and to monetize videos, but in a way to create new AdSense account and connect both AdSense and YouTube, just with two different accounts, one for YouTube, and other for AdSense?

I've tried to do that, but Google keeps logging me out when I sign in with other account.

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure that it is possible, and that I've done it. Will check the details of how I did it later on when I have more time.

But your first challenge will be to get signed up as an AdSense publisher in it's own right. There are certain rules about who can sign up, including that you have "something" to show ads on, which meets their programme rules. You may need to set up a website to do this. (as a very rough guide, at least 10 pages of unique content, with a privacy policy - there are more rules than that).

Getting the account signed up an an AdSense publisher is presumably not as challenging if you're using your regular YouTube account - because YouTube is your content.