Youtube – Not able to put space in YouTube comment


This is kind of weird behaviour I am facing since last few days: while putting a comment on any YouTube video, if I add a space, then the video pauses instead of adding a space in the comment and pressing space bar again plays the YouTube video, thus not adding a space in the comment.

Also not able to navigate using arrow keys in the comment. Suppose you want to go to start of word, then only option is mouse; arrow keys are not working.

I am using Dell, with windows 10

Best Answer

Just happens to me in ONE tab in Firefox 86 for Linux (amd64 Debian). The other tabs in YouTube work fine, but that one video will not let me do it, even if I copy the URL, close the tab, open a new tab and paste in the URL. First time ever I see this happening and it seems like there's a few others experiencing this right now.