How to Force Subtitles in YouTube Video


I uploaded a video in French on YouTube but a non-negligible number of English-speaking people are going to watch it. I uploaded the .srt file and everything works fine when I press the "CC" button.

However, I would like to force subtitles when I embed the video on my blog. I read the instructions here but they don't work anymore.

Any idea?

Best Answer

Yes, you can.

If you are the video owner, you can make captions appear by default by adding this tag to your video: yt:cc=on. It won't stop people from turning them off by clicking the CC button, but it will default captions to 'on' for most users.

Embedded videos

  • When you embed a video on another site, you can make it so that captions are always shown on the embedded video. To enable captions on a video you'd like to embed, just add &cc_load_policy=1 to the video's embed code.
  • You can also choose a caption language for the embedded video. To specify the caption language for the video that you'd like to embed, just add &hl=fr&cc_lang_pref=fr&cc_load_policy=1 to the video's embed code. Here, hl sets the language for the player menu, cc_lang_pref sets the language for the captions shown in the video, and cc_load_policy=1 makes captions on by default. fr represents the ISO 639 language code for French. You can look up 2-letter language codes in the ISO 639-1 standard.
