Youtube – Play YouTube videos using Flash instead of HTML5


Since upgrading my kids' browser to Firefox 4, YouTube seems to have switched them over to HTML5 video, which the computer apparently can't handle because it stutters horribly, causing Child Rage Syndrome. 😉 IE9 does not pose this problem, it uses the Flash player.

I right-clicked one of the offending videos & navigated to It initially told us we were in the HTML5 trial, and so I clicked to opt out. I then exited the browsers & ran ccleaner to ditch the cached stuff.

No fix. Now the above YouTube page tells us we are not in the HTML5 trial, but we are still getting the laggy, HTML5 video (I can tell based on the right-click menu that comes up). My kids have switched to Internet Explorer, but they miss Firefox (and in particular adblockplus).

Is there a way to get YouTube to really switch us over to flash?

Best Answer

I'm not sure about Flash, but I recognize the problem you're having. Firefox's <video> support hasn't yet been done properly, so it's much slower than any other method.

If nobody else suggests something you like better, FlashVideoReplacer would let you swap out the YouTube-provided player for either the Quicktime or VLC plugin and both should run faster than Flash or Firefox's internal <video> support.

(It also supports various players which appear in their own windows, but you probably don't want that)

Another option you could try would be to track down WHY YouTube is forcing HTML5 on Firefox by trying these one-by-one:

  • deleting all YouTube cookies (YouTube's fault but configurable)
  • running in Safe Mode to disable extensions (One of your extensions' fault)
  • using the User Agent Switcher extension (YouTube's fault, not intended to be configurable)

Finally, if none of that works, you could give Google Chrome a try. Its extension system isn't as powerful as Firefox's, but AdBlock Plus does have a version for it.