YouTube plus operator is returning results that do NOT contain the keywords


YouTube Search Feature Alternative seems to indicate I'm not alone. Do this search: click on the first result which is:, open up the transcript and scroll the transcript up to the top.

Use CTRLF to search for igaging, and nothing is revealed.

I even used Firefox's Web Developer to show the page source and searched it again, and "igaging" is not shown.

result from YouTube search

Am I doing something incorrect here in my syntax?

Or, are they doing that on purpose?

Or, is this a bug?

EDIT #1:

In response to the answer that I should use double quotes: I tried that before and did not include it in my original post because, although I got different results, the resulting youtube pages still did not have "igaging" in the content. For instance: results in the first item listed which is:

search with double quotes

Clicking on that first item gives .

Searching that page does not match any instance of "igaging" at all (including all of the transcript lines), except for the "Up Next" column on the right of the page, the latter of which should not be considered in the set being searched:

Up Next screenshot

Best Answer

Your syntax is incorrect, if you want a specific term you must use quotation marks e.g. "igaging"

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