Youtube – Prevent display of “shared on Google+” in YouTube


When I share some video from YouTube on Google+, on YouYube, under this video, appears a comment that I've shared it on Google+. Is it possible not to display those comments on YouTube? How can I turn it off?

Best Answer

That is the exact same problem I have. There is no solution, but I have an workaround:

  1. My G+ profile is +MoviesVladan
  2. I have a page built on that profile: +VladanmoviesBlogspotccc
  3. My Youtube channel is
  4. Youtube channel is linked to PAGE. NOT to profile!
  5. Comments settings for channel and clips are "Only approved" (5a. For a while I kept my "profile" banned from my channel, which prevents comments from showing on YT, but can not prevent "profile" from sharing and commenting.)

If I share as "profile", they are all held for approval and I never approve them. If I share from page, they do show as comments under the clip, but those I manually remove, from the clip page on YT. That way shares stay on G+, but comments are not visible on YT.