Youtube – Re-share YouTube videos


This person has uploaded and removed and re-uploaded a lot of videos.

I want to download the videos before the person removes the videos again. I want to upload the videos back to YouTube to save hard disk space and ensure the videos can be watched from multiple computers.

What is the efficient way to handle this? Downloading the videos and then uploading them back on YouTube seems longer way to accomplish something so simple.

Best Answer

Can't think of a faster way. I would download the videos with Firefox Download Helper extension (you just right-click on status bar and download), and then maybe not use YouTube, but a similar service (as you don't mind about SEO, etc, and is more about just having them available).

I'd use Viddler, as in my tests, it does not re-compress an FLV and should show at the same quality (no loss) that you downloaded from YouTube. Download Helper usually will let you download the several resoloutions flvs available.

However, the involved procedure of re-uploading to YouTube might bring a loss in quality.