YouTube – Single RSS Feed for All Subscriptions


One can obtain RSS feeds for individual channels by using the Export to RSS readers feature or by using the below, but these yield multiple RSS feeds, one for each channel/user.

  • RSS for YouTube Channel:[channel id]
  • RSS for YouTube User:[username]

I want a single feed for all my subscriptions.

Ideal solution would be a single RSS feed for all YouTube Subscriptions provided by YouTube itself, but I can't seem to find one.

I have read multiple questions about combining multiple RSS feeds to obtain a single feed (here and here among several others), but this will require repeating the process when I unsubscribe to an old channel or add a new channel. This is not ideal, plus a lot of the answers are now obsolete (for example, Yahoo pipes is shutdown).

Is it possible to create a single RSS feed for all YouTube Subscriptions so that I will be notified when new videos are posted?

(Similar to the subscription page on youtube, except in rss form). Surprisingly, the url has feed in it, but there is no RSS feed for the page.

There is the new Notifications feature in YouTube that alerts me when there are new videos, but I have to visit the website and/or keep it open. Is it possible to extract/create an RSS feed from YouTube notifications?

Best Answer

This is one of the features that got lost in the transition from the YouTube Data API v2 to v3; YouTube does not have a feed for a user's subscriptions anymore represented in RSS/Atom.

As a workaround, you can use the individual channel's feeds and then use a feedreader that supports a "folder view", at which point we're pretty much exactly where you started with your question.